#14 HAIR CARE MYTHS that people still believe | HAIR CARE MYTHS IN 2021


14 HAIR CARE MYTHS That People Still Believe  HAIR CARE TIPS

Hello Friends In This Blog I'm gonna give you 13 hair care myths that people still wrongfully believe

MYTH#1: Hair Products Causes You To Lose; Your Hair Are To Go Bald...

This myth absolutely false the fact is that your genes nutrition and stress determine if your hair will start to fall out not good hair products well unless you put something really strange in your hair.

MYTH#2: If You Cut Your Hair: It Makes You Grow Faster

That's false your hair grows from their roots not from the ends of your hair so trimming your hair will not make your hair grow faster now.

If you want your beard or your hair to grow faster

MYTH#3: Drying Your Hair Naturally Is Better Than Using A Blow Dryer...

The fact is that too much heat can damage your hair but if you set your hair dryer to the lowest heat setting.

it will not damage your hair research has actually shown that exposing your hair to water for too long while air drying can actually be bad for your hair because the interior of your hair swells

MYTH#4: If You Wash Your Hair With A Certain Shampoo And A Certain Conditioner Your Hair Gets Used To Them...

False, your hair won't get shocked suddenly when you use a different shampoo and a different conditioner. if you want some good options for shampoo and conditioner.

MYTH#5: What Causes Dandruff? Dry Scalp Causes Dandruff...

False, dry scalp doesn't cause dandruff it's actually the opposite dandruff is actually caused by too oily skin. so if you don't wash your hair enough or if you just use the hair products and you don't wash them out. if you struggle with dandruff.

MYTH#6: Combing your hair over a long period of time is very good for your hair...

False, it is actually the opposite the truth is excessive brushing can do more harm than good because you can damage your hair's outer protective layer by causing friction and breakage over time.

MYTH#7: If You Wash Your Hair Too Much

It will become very oily well guys it is actually the opposite. if you don't wash it enough it will become oily and don't wash it every day but every two or three days should be enough.

MYTH#8: if you pluck out one grey hair two or three grey hair will grow in its place right. If You Get One Grey Hair It; Just Means That More Will Follow Sometimes when your hair grows you get those split ends right.

MYTH#9: You Can Recover The Split Ends With Good Hair Products.

False advertising but it's better to go and trim your hair.

MYTH#10: Wearing Hats Will Make You Go bald... It's Just Not True

MYTH#11: If you do not wash your hair; your hair will wash or clean itself

That's just so weird to believe it's just not true. if you don't wash your hair and your scalp you will just get dirtier and you probably heard this one before as well.

Myth#12: Nits and the lice they like dirty hair... False they like clean hair.

MYTH#13: You're Stuck With The Hair Thickness That You're Born With...

it's just not true guys the fact is your hair texture can change with stress your nutrition and your age as well baldness where does it come from? from mom from dad? Well I believed, because that's what people told me as well when I was younger.

it comes from your mom's side but the truth is you can't blame mom or her family for you going bald it can come from both sides from mom and dad side.

MYTH#14: Smoking Can Actually Make You Go Greyer Quicker

They did some studies and they found that people who smoke they're twice as likely to go grey quicker than those who do not smoke.

So that's another reason for you I can throw away the smokes apart from cancer and for you guys that's still in school a lot of guys in school still think: "oh yeah I'm so cool if I smoke". Smoking does not make you cool your personality makes you cool.

Thanks for reading this blog I Hope You Learn From This Blog

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